Q&A: Thomas Coulborn & Sons

14 June 2024

Introducing the next exhibitor in our interview series, Coulborn and Sons: a third-generation family business, run by Jonathon Coulborn, and dealing in furniture and objects from 1600-1830.

Known for combining pieces from diverse traditions and pieces that reflect cross-cultural influences like Chinese Export furniture and paintings, Spanish Colonial works and Anglo-Indian pieces, Jonathan continues his grandfather’s work to cement his family’s international reputation and legacy.

Why have you chosen to participate in The Treasure House Fair this year? 
Having been a regular exhibitor at Masterpiece we were very keen to return to exhibiting in London and think Treasure House is the perfect fair to take on the mantle of a high-quality London antiques fair at an optimum time of year.

What are you most looking forward to exhibiting during the Fair?
We will be showing a Chinese Export lacquer pagoda with its original case which is a unique object and bound to attract lots of attention. Other highlights include a pair of Regency Antiquarian chairs made for Earl of Talbot; a set of ‘Four Seasons’ Chinese Export Oil paintings; and a pair of Peruvian carved giltwood mirrors.

What advice would you give to people visiting the fair for the first time?
Remember, it’s not a museum! Talk to the exhibitors… They will be generous with their time and knowledge and keen to explain why the items they are showing are so special.

Below: A Chines export laquer Pagoda with original case.
Courtesy of Thomas Coulborn & Sons