Q&A: Osborne Samuel Gallery

14 June 2024

A leading specialist in Modern British paintings and sculpture, Osborne Samuel Gallery is among the many exhibitors to return to the Royal Hospital Chelsea for The Treasure House Fair this summer. Founded in 2004, following the merger of Peter Osborne’s company Berkeley Square gallery and Samuel & Co, we cannot wait to see what the Gallery brings to the Fair for 2024.
Tell us a little more about your gallery?

Our exhibition will predominantly feature the very best of Modern and Contemporary British Art with post-war sculpture a particular feature, alongside St. Ives School and Neo-Romantic artists. As Osborne Samuel represents the Estate of John Craxton, and following on from Pallant House Gallery’s acclaimed recent exhibition, this artist will be showcased at The Treasure House Fair. Contemporary artists on display will include Brendan Burns and Sean Henry.
Why are you returning to The Treasure House Fair?

We wanted to build on the momentum of exhibiting at the inaugural Fair in 2023. We believe it is an excellent arena to exhibit the very best of Modern and Contemporary British Art, which is a significant component of our gallery’s focus. It also takes place at a key time of year for the London fine art market.
What are you most excited to showcase at The Treasure House Fair?

Lynn Chadwick, Dame Barabara Hepworth and Henry Moore sculptures will be prominent in our booth, in keeping with our historical track record for these international names. We are also looking forward to presenting a very rare and elegant portrait by Sir William Nicholson, Lady in Grey, dating from 1918; the only painting the artist ever made of his second wife, Edith. We’ll also be bringing an exquisite Dame Barbara Hepworth made from lead crystal, titled Two Forms (Gemini) (1970); an extremely desirable Henry Moore, Family Group from 1945; and a mesmerising, unique Lynn Chadwick sculpted in 1958 from iron and composition, titled Beast (Old Leather Head).

Below: Lynn Chadwick, Beast (Old Leather Head) 1958

How did you first learn about the Fair?

We were aware of The Treasure House Fair from its inception owing to our long-standing representation at Masterpiece. The fact so many disciplines are included in The Treasure House Fair means there is an excellent opportunity to engage with new collectors to our field. This, the time of year, and location make it an ideal platform for Osborne Samuel.
What advice would you give to first time visitors of the fair?

Perhaps my best advice would be to leave as long as possible to soak up everything the fair has to offer, including the fabulous food and drink in a wonderful and glamorous outdoor setting! Also, be sure to engage personally with the exhibitors. They hold a wealth of information about their objects on display and are only too happy to share this knowledge.