Wick Antiques
Antique furniture and works of art.
Wick Antiques
Antique furniture and works of art.
Unit 2 Riverside Business Park ,Gosport Street, Lymington
Hampshire SO41 9BB
United KingdomDescription
Wick Antiques is an extremely personal collection of furniture and works of art collected and refined over more than 30 years by us (Charlie and Caroline Wallrock). We feel enormously privileged to be the custodians of such wonderful pieces and to be able to surround ourselves with the things we covet. At Wick Antiques, everything we buy resonates with us because it is beautiful, practical, well made and has stood the test of time. Charlie’s office has two Victorian bookcases for filing cabinets, an Edwardian desk and even a Georgian wastepaper basket. The walls are covered with paintings of yachts racing. Everything is for sale but in the meantime he can enjoy using and looking at them. The collection is partly an extension of our early lives and partly an indulgence of all our passions – and they are many. Charlie’s grandfather was a fine art auctioneer in Bond Street and had a fine personal collection of Coalbrookdale porcelain, neo-Gothic furniture and military artefacts. Charlie’s father was in the Navy, and then ran a boat yard, so Charlie is deeply immersed in all things maritime from Nelson’s victory at Trafalgar to Edwardian yacht racing, from ship’s models to cannon and globes. Another string is his ‘gentleman’s study’ with impressive partners desks covered in bibelots and bookcases filled with ‘collectibles’. A third collection centres round the firm of Gillow of Lancaster and London because he so admires the quality of their workmanship and the versatility of their designs, for example jardinieres which are also wine tables or chairs which are library steps. Charlie buys some things just because they appeal to him, like life size figures of Mephistopheles, globes inside walnuts, revolving pagoda display cabinets and Indian state carriages. There is a Royal collection centred round the 75th Jubilee of Queen which includes some show stoppers such as a Pugin designed table made by Morel and Seddon for Windsor Castle, a solid silver sculpture of Queen Elizabeth II trooping the colour on her trusted horse Burmese, a monumental Royal coat of arms by Steele and a silver gilt cup given to the Royal Yacht Squadron by King William IV. Luckily my enthusiasms chime with Charlie’s. My upbringing, living in Holland, Portugal and Spain with Francophile parents, one of whom was a historian, meant considerable exposure to religious buildings, paintings and architecture. However, from my first experience of the Islamic and Japanese primary galleries of the Victoria & Albert Museum I was drawn to Oriental Art – to such an extent that I studied in the sumptuous city of Isfahan for a year and am a student of the decorative arts in general. For me an added dimension of domestic items is the personal story behind them. We have had a medicine chest from Nelson’s surgeon at Trafalgar, a display cabinet from a Scottish lady who commissioned the first Japanese garden, a silver wedding present to a young officer who went to Harrow school and served in a Scottish regiment and a snuff box from Anne, Duchess of Buccleuch whose husband, the Duke of Monmouth, was executed for treason when he lead a rebellion against James II. If any of these pieces appeals to you, or you wish to start a collection of your own treasures, please get in touch via the website or by telephoning Charlie on +44 (0) 7768 877 069. Our showroom is located in the Riverside Business Park, just off the High Street in the quaint harbour town of Lymington. Lymington is a small town situated in the New Forest on the South Coast of the United Kingdom adjacent to the stretch of water between the mainland and the Isle of Wight, the famous New Forest and close to the shipping ports of Southampton and Portsmouth. Both Southampton and Bournemouth are within half an hours drive and each has an airport serving destinations throughout Europe and further afield. We are also just over ninety minutes from central London and regular trains from Waterloo offer direct services to nearby Brockenhurst, with a Heritage branch line from there providing access to Lymington Station which is only a few minutes’ walk away.

A George IV Royal Yacht Club silver gilt racing trophy won by Menai in 1829

An Admiral Lord Nelson commemorative stained glass window

An ormolu mantel clock with Queen Victoria in medieval dress, by Monroux, 1832

Harold Wyllie: Shamrock V and Enterprise racing for the America’s Cup, 1930

Sir Harold Dudley Clayton Hydraulic Steam Lifeboat: City of Glasgow, 1894

The HMS Bellerophon oak armchair, 1805